Boca Raton Campus
Student Government on the Boca Raton Campus includes an executive and legislative branch and a member of the University-wide judicial branch.
The executive branch is comprised of the Office of the Governor for the Boca Raton Campus which includes the cabinet positions of Chief of Staff, Campus Treasurer, Director of Peer Education Team, Director of NightOwls, Director of Multicultural Programming, Director of Students Advocating Volunteer Involvement, Director of Program Board, Director of COSO, Director of Boca Raton Graduate Council, and Director of Marketing.
Working for Student Government gives you a chance to gain and develop leadership opportunities and get involved in campus life. Holding a leadership position enables you to make a difference on campus and to increase student involvement. Furthermore, working for Student Government gives everybody involved the experience and skills required to be a leader and succeed in the professional environment. Everybody plays a vital role in BRSG from the NightOwls Drivers, to Program Board Coordinators, COSO Sub-council Chairs, program directors, and volunteers planning events to enhance our education.